Improve Education
- Provided 15,000 books for a community library
- Purchased over 1,600 textbooks for high school and elementary school classes
- Purchased reference books for school library
- Funded construction of 4 new classrooms at elementary school
- Purchased desks for elementary school
- Provided certified course in carpentry
- Provide educational programs for staff at Sendafa Health Center
- Provide IEC (Information, Education and Communication)
- Subsidized tuition for students to complete high school
- Funded travel for high school graduates to attend their first year of university
- Annually bring American teachers to teach English and hygiene
Since 2006, more than 3,500 students have received academic support including tuition, travel, uniforms and school supplies.
- Educational support: more students at all levels. More educational materials
- Build additional classrooms and provide teaching materials (e.g. computers, whiteboards)
- Special teaching programs for students (English, extra classes for those with poor grades)
- Expand IEC (Information, Education and Communication) to include projectors, minimedia centers
- Strengthen existing vocational schools through training and materials
- Develop more vocational schools
- Enhance library and develop reading centers